About Us

Los Angeles Community Youth Center

since 1989

The Cleland House, founded in 1977 by the Presbyterian Church, operated the newly built youth center until 1989 when it closed its doors. Under the leadership of 1st District Supervisor Gloria Molina and the LA County Sheriff Department, the East Los Angeles Community Youth Center reopened at its current site as a STEAM youth center. 

The population mainly served at the ELACYC is at-risk Latino youth between the ages of 7 to 17 residing in the East Los Angeles. Our program provides services for approximately 450 children at our facility PLUS a 65-member class in the after-school computer lab and academia. 

Providing a wide variety of academic, interactive and social activities.

We have amazing volunteers from colleges and universities such as East Los Angeles College and California State University Los Angeles offering tutoring and mentoring for youth.

ELACYC Provides...





Increasing children's critical thinking and problem-solving skills through unique field trips and hands-on leaning opportunities.

At the ELACYC, we are very proud to be able to help our youth fight against health and related illnesses through our many physical activities. We work very hard to help the youth of our community maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

Helping our youth excel academically is definitely part of our mission. We are very proud to see the youth of the ELACYC achieve high standardized test scores. We are very thankful to our tutors' hard work and dedication in mentoring and assisting to make these test scores a steady and constant reality.

In loving memory of District Supervisor Gloria Molina, ELACYC Treasurer Dan Schulitz, and ELACYC Board Member Ron Lozano

ELACYC Founders (left to right): Jonathan Sanchez; Dan Schulist, founding President; Supervisor Gloria Molina; Jorge Carralejo, LBA Chairman; Frank Villalobos, founding Secretary/Treasurer

Our Board Members

Who we are


Frank X. Villalobos, Barrio Planners Inc.


Michael Murray, Retirement Transitions LLC


Salvador Carlos Jr., S.D. Carlos & Associates


Jesus Burciaga, Former Deputy Chief of the L.A. Fire Department

Lourdes Olivares, Via Care Community Health Services

William Villalobos, Barrio Planners Inc.

Dulce Acosta, USC Community Relations

Sofia Olivares, Barrio Planners Inc.

Teresa Kelly, Don Bosco Tech High School

Jose Nunez, California Highway Patrol


Ronald Lozano ✝ 

Honorary Board of Directors

Antonio Chapa, Legislative Deputy District Supervisor First District

Executive Director

John Garcia

Program Overview and Needs Assessment

Primary concern has been the need of educational improvement, encouragement for higher education, and meeting above the standard academic level. Our community suffers from lack of real educational programs, therefore a math program with reading and art has been established as an afterschool tutorial program.

Harbor Westlake is currently partnering up with ELACYC by providing online teaching about art with mathematical concepts. Recently E-sports has been introduced as a way to foster strategic thinking, teamwork, communication, leadership, performance skills and confidence building.

At ELACYC, the center focus has been to improve the level of educational services by incorporating reading, writing, math, and science activities. In order to maintain a wide range of resources to our youth funding is crucial to overall improvement of the community center. Marketing is a vital component that will improve, our student population. We have concluded that sport utilities, games, and new reading materials are in dire need. 


Students from elementary school through 12th grade participate in our after-school tutorial program. Our dedicated staff and volunteer tutors from Cal State Los Angeles, provided homework assistance in Mathematics, Reading, Science, Social Science, Computer Literacy as well as Art and Crafts and other homework needs for students.

Once they complete homework assignments members are free to enjoy our learning center, art center, and use our recreational space. Our goal is to both help students complete their assignments and provide a place where their learning experience can continue in a spacious comfortable environment beyond school hours.


The ELACYC offers physical training in various athletic disciplines. Although our center lacks sports facilities, we provide transportation to and from Los Angeles County facilities such as Belvedere Park and LA County museums.